I did receive numerous negative comments on my writing throughout my educational career and I managed to graduate high school, an undergraduate degree in elementary education and a graduate degree in educational leadership. All with awful handwriting.
My first job was at a Catholic School in Philadelphia (In the Year 2000) run by a wonderful Sister of the Immaculate Heart who to this day I still fell in debt to since she took a chance on me when I was a 21 year old rookie looking for a job.
To prove I was worthy of this position, I was going to develop the best weekly lesson plans she had ever seen. I spent a lot of time writing them and was proud when I sent my plan book on Monday morning to the principal to be checked over.
Before my next breath, Sister was on my loud speaker asking me to come see her. My heart dropped, what could I have done wrong?
"What is this?!" (in a way only a nun can say it)...
"My lesson plans Sister" (in my most timid voice)
"Why are they in RED PEN and why is it not in CURSIVE?!"
"Ummmm.... I thought Red pen looked nice and I can't really write cursive."

"Well I guess you have some learning to do!"
Not the best first interaction with my principal, but I figured it could be worse. (It did the following week when I ended up losing my car with all of my teacher manuals
So for the following weeks, each week the plans were handed in, black pen, cursive and all. Yet again I got the dreaded call down to the office about a month later.
"Okay Brad you win. My eyes are tired and frankly I'm giving in. How would you like to write your plans?"
"I would love if I could type them and then print them out for you each week. That way you can read them and I am a much better typer than I am at cursive."
"Thank you Sister."
I won that battle but when Sister came to observe me, let's just say my handwriting on the board didn't meet her approval.... (This is before we had projectors and a computer hooked up to it with a smartboard etc...)
So what's the point of cursive?
Being a Catholic School Principal today, there is still a high priority that many teachers and parents place on good handwriting. It is still part of the guidelines and curriculum. It is still a grade on kids in the primary grades report cards. Parents do still challenge teachers about their child's handwriting grade.
It pains me that this has to be a part of our school. It's not that I believe it should be completely abolished, but the focus has to change. I agree with the people who ask "what is being taken out due to handwriting instruction?"
The majority of school districts and private schools usually state somewhere in their mission/vision about "preparing students to compete in a global economy and become 21st century learners who critically think, collaborate, and communicate."
I know I have my opinion...