Monday, April 26, 2010

The Leadership of Early America...

I began watching the History Channel Series, America: The Story of Us Sunday night and I highly recommend it to every educator, or history buff. As I watched the episode though, I found numerous principles of leadership reoccurring throughout the show. George Washington named Baron Von Steuben, an elite soldier from the Prussian Army who's career was supposedly over due to his homosexuality makes him a top commander. Washington placed people in positions to be successful and they were. An effective leader places people in positions to be successful and, when given the support, encouragement, and training needed, good things generally happen and in turn facilitative leadership occurs. Without strong leadership and training, the American Revolution would never have occurred.

John Rolfe (Pure Genius & America's Original Entrepreneur)

  1. Obtain some tobacco seeds from South America
  2. Marry the Powhatan Chief's hot daughter to gain friendships with the Native Americans
  3. Plant your seeds and work with the Powhatan to learn about farming
  4. A year later you are a millionaire and thousands come to the New World seeing that prosperity can be had there


The communications system throughout the colonies during this time was more effective than I ever realized. Without it, there would have been no independence of Great Britain. This was done thanks in large part because of the first Postmaster General, Mr. Benjamin Franklin and his organizational leadership skills. One of the first things I dedicated myself to as principal was to make sure that effective communication lines were open between the students, teachers, and parents. During my internship as an aspiring principal I saw


During the first continental congress, the idea of a United Colonies, came forth. "An attack on one of the colonies, is an attack on us all." The leadership of each of the colonies saw the importance of coming together as one and this was the only way something can be accomplished. Collaboration in education, now more than ever is vital for the prosperity of our children. As educators we must come together and ensure that our students are recieiving a 21st century education  grounded in collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.  

Quotes from first Episode REBELS... (Various celebrities and academia alike comment throughout the show, definitely enjoyable to hear their take)

When someone is really successful it is rarely luck.  It's talent, it's brainpower, etc... - Donald Trump

The defining strength in America is it's people. - Colin Powell

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